
What is Nifty and Sensex : – Friends, you must have often heard these two words “Nifty and Sensex”. But do you know about Nifty and Sensex? If you do not know, then through this article I will tell you about them in detail. Must read this post completely so that you can get correct information about Nifty and Sensex. We often see news related to business on news channels or news papers. It also contains news related to stock market, Nifty, Sensex. Whether it is news about loss of investors due to fall in Sensex or other related news. This is the reason why people want to understand Nifty and Sensex. So let’s start. First let me tell you what is Nifty.

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Nifty and Sensex

What is Nifty or Nifty 50

What is Nifty or Nifty 50 :- What is Nifty or Nifty 50: – You must have heard the name of Nifty or Nifty 50 many times. There is absolutely no need to get confused after hearing these two names, in fact Nifty and Nifty 50 are the same.Nifty is related to delhi stock market and sensex is related to mumbai based stock market. The ups and downs of the stock market are measured by Nifty. Means Nifty is such an index by which we can easily understand the changes in business and their shares. We can easily understand the condition of the market in the stock market through the index. Nifty is the index of NSE i.e. National Stock Exchange, 50 companies come under Nifty and that is why its name is also Nifty 50. The 50 companies in Nifty are all from different sectors of India. Nifty gives instant information about the shares of these companies. Nifty base value is 1000 .

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What is Sensex

What is Sensex :- what is sensex: – Now let us tell you what is Sensex, Sensex is also related to the stock market, it is the index of Bombay Stock Exchange i.e. BSE whose full form is Bombay Stock Exchange. Sensex also works in the same way as Nifty works. Its function is also to show the ups and downs in the market. Now talk about how many companies are included in Sensex, then let me tell you for information that it has 20 companies less than Nifty, that is, only 30 companies are included in it, about which Sensex shows the information. But these 30 companies are very big. Sensex shows the position of these companies through numbers, suppose that today their numbers have fallen as compared to yesterday, then the market is in loss. If we talk about the base value, then the base value of Sensex is 100.

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Diffrence between Nifty and Sensex

Diffrence between Nifty and Sensex

Diffrence between Nifty and Sensex : –
Now the question comes that if both are the index showing the status of the companies, then what is the difference between the two. So let us tell you what is the difference between the two.

  1. While Nifty is the index of Delhi’s NSE, Sensex is the index of BSE.
  2. Nifty was started in 1994 while Sensex was started in 1986.
  3. There are 30 companies in Sensex and 50 in Nifty.
  4. If we talk about the base value, then the base value of Nifty is 1000, while the base value of Sensex is only 100.

So this is the only difference between Nifty and Sensex.

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