Shifting Cultivation: Friends, Shifting Cultivation is a very old method of agriculture, but now farming has been reduced by this method. This is such a process of agriculture in which trees and vegetation are cut and burnt. Then after plowing the land of the tribals, the seeds are sown. That is, farming is started on that land. As long as the fertility of the land remains intact, farming is done there, after that trees and plants of some other places are cut and then farming is done there. This means the place of cultivation is changed again and again, that is why it is called shifting agriculture.

This type of farming is mainly done by the tribals who spend most of their time in the forests. Shifting cultivation is also known as Jhum agriculture. This type of farming is mostly done in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh etc. But the tribals of India also do this type of farming in many places. But there are complete restrictions on this type of farming in India because this type of farming causes a lot of damage to the natural resources. Such farming is done more in hilly areas. Under Jhum agriculture, farmers mainly grow maize, jawar, bajra, cotton, Marfa, and paddy. Jhum agriculture is started only in the rainy season because it is very difficult to do farming in hilly areas without rain.
Let me now tell you what are the advantages and disadvantages of shifting cultivation.
- Let me now tell you what are the advantages and disadvantages of shifting cultivation. Friends, there are some advantages of Jhum farming, but there are many disadvantages. Let’s explain in detail. First, let me tell the advantages of Jhum agriculture:
- The growth of crops is very fast in shifting cultivation because the fertility of the soil is very good.
- There is no danger of flood in Jhum agriculture.
- Many types of research have shown that crops obtained from shifting cultivation are very beneficial in bone diseases. It protects bones from many types of diseases.
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Disadvantages of Shifting Cultivation
While there are some benefits from shifting cultivation, there are many disadvantages to this type of farming.
- The main losses caused by shifting cultivation include a huge loss of biodiversity. Because there is a lot of deforestation in the cultivation of this process.
- Due to the cultivation of this process, the habitats of wild animals are destroyed. Not only this, many types of animals are killed.
- There is a decrease in the fertility of the soil. Farmers do this type of agriculture only for 2 or 3 years at a place, after that they look for another place.
- As I told you that in shifting cultivation, forests are cut and burnt, so there is a danger of forest fire.
- The problem of air pollution can arise due to the excessive burning of forests. And this is the reason why a complete ban has been imposed on this type of farming.
- Many times, due to adopting this type of farming method, farmers also kill many types of animals which harms the crops.
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Jhum Farming Method
- In Jhum Cultivation, every year farmers do farming on the land of different forest areas. During this process, farmers cut big trees.
- Farmers mainly use axes to cut trees.
- After that, the local farmers burn the forest carefully by keeping it away from other Trees.
- Then the farmers wait for the rains. When it rains, the ashes get mixed in the soil. Due to this the fertility of the land increases.
- They cultivate at most 2 times a year on the cleared land.
- Paddy is mainly cultivated in the rainy season on the cleared land.
- After getting the crop they leave that land.
Friends, through this article, I have given you information about shifting cultivation. Shifting cultivation has been explained in detail. If you have liked this information, then do share this information with as many people as possible.
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What is shifting cultivation and examples?
Shifting Cultivation means when farmers cut and burn the forest of a place and do farming there for 1 or 2 years and then when the soil fertility is over, then again the method of adopting the same process is called Jhum Krishi or Shifting Cultivation.
What are the two examples of shifting cultivation?
Subsistence farming and extensive farming.
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