Business Ideas For 13 to 14 year olds Student: Business Ideas For 13 to 14 year olds Friends, due to rising inflation, people want to start a small business along with studies. It is often seen that students go to the city for studies, but due to inflation, they are also worried, in such a situation, they keep looking for part-time jobs so that they can meet their daily expenses. If your age is also from 13 years to 14 years and you are also thinking of doing part-time business then must read this article completely. Through this article, I will provide you with some great business ideas which can easily be done by students 13 to 14 years old. Today’s article is especially for students. That’s why you must read this article till the end.
Doing Business with studies is good or bad
Friends, if you do small business along with your studies, then not only do you earn from this, but your experience also increases. Often you must have heard from many people that studies get affected by working along with studies, but it is not so at all. A part-time job gives you an opportunity to learn new things. You will also find many such people around you who do business or small jobs along with studies.

Friends, you can easily start whatever business ideas I will provide in this article. But keep one thing in mind no matter what the business is, you have to work hard. If you can spare 3 to 4 hours daily, then you are ready to do the business mentioned below. Let us tell you that whatever business ideas are mentioned below, you can start them on a very low budget. So let me tell you in detail without wasting much time.
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Ideas For Students
Read the business ideas mentioned below carefully, even 13 and 14 year olds students can start this business easily.
Instagram Page
In today’s time, every person has an account on Instagram. Instagram has become so popular today that people are earning a lot of money through Instagram today. Earning money from Instagram is very easy. In the absence of information, most people consider Instagram as a platform for sharing photos and videos only, but the increasing use of Instagram has made it a great way to earn money. You would hardly know that by creating a page on Instagram sitting at home, you can easily earn from 10 thousand to 30 thousand in a month. But to earn money through an Instagram page, you have to choose such a niche in which there is more source of income and it is very important to have knowledge in it.
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It would be better if I tell you through an example. Suppose you have chosen a niche related to pet animals. Then you have to download the Instagram app with the help of a computer or mobile. Instagram apps are available on the Google Play store and Instagram’s official website. Now you have to post daily at least 1 to 2 posts related to pet animals on Instagram. Soon your followers will increase. As soon as there will be a lot of followers on your Instagram, big companies will start contacting you to promote their products.
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Blogging and Youtube
Blogging and youtube are the most popular part-time business among students. The reason is that students can also put things related to their studies on blogs and youtube. Although blogging takes a little more time than youtube. You should have 5 to 6 hours of time daily for blogging. But if you make videos for youtube then 2 to 3 hours is enough. youtube and websites give you money for ads. When your website gets approved to show Adsense ads, then Google pays you for those ads.
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What to do for Blogging
If you are also fond of writing or are aware of a particular field, then blogging will be best for you. For blogging, you have to purchase a domain name and hosting. It will cost you 5 to 6 thousand to purchase. After that, you have to choose the niche according to the field in which you are interested. Keep in mind that do not copy the content of any other sites at all. Whatever you write, write in your own words and keep the content completely unique. When you have 14 to 15 unique content on your blog, then you can apply for monetization. When your website is approved by Google to show Adsense ads, then Google pays you money for the ads that are shown on your website.
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How to earn money from a Youtube Channel
You do not have to invest money to earn money from youtube. To make videos on youtube, you need knowledge in a particular field. Also, you have to learn video editing. If you want, you can also make comedy or prank videos on YouTube. As soon as your 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours are completed on youtube, you can apply for the youtube partnership program. When youtube includes your channel in its partnership program, then after that ads come on your videos. And when viewers click on your ads, youtube pays you.
So friends, through this article, I have shared some business ideas with you, even 13 to 14 year olds students can easily start this business.
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