Palm Oil Cultivation: Hello farmer brothers, in today’s special post I am going to give you all the information related to Palm Oil Cultivation. Farmer brothers are earning a lot from Palm Oil Cultivation in today’s time, but there are some farmers who do not know about Palm Oil Cultivation. So in today’s article, I will give you information about how palm cultivation should be started, and how much profit is there in it. The demand for the oil that is extracted from the palm tree is very high in the market, so in today’s time, farmers are doing palm cultivation instead of traditional farming. So let me give you all the information related to Palm Oil Cultivation in detail.
Future of Palm Oil Cultivation In India
In recent years, Palm Oil Cultivation has emerged as a major business in many countries. This business has become very popular in countries like Thailand, Colombia, India, etc. in a few years. Let me tell you that the annual production of palm oil in India is only five lakh tonnes, while India imports more than 60 lakh tonnes of palm oil. You can imagine what is the condition of palm oil cultivation in India. Presently palm is being cultivated on 95 thousand hectares of land in India. The Government of India spends about 50,000 crores only on the import of palm oil. In such a situation, the government is also helping the farmers, and by 2030, a target has been set that imports will be reduced by at least 30%.
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Mission Palm Oil
Recently, the Modi government has announced Mission Palm Oil, under which palm cultivation is to be done on a large scale in Northeast India and Andaman and Nicobar. Under Mission Palm Oil, the government has approved financial assistance of 11000 crores. The main goal of this mission is to cultivate palm oil on 10 lakh hectares. This target is to be met by 2025. The government has also set a target of expanding its cultivation to 16.7 lakh hectares by 2030. Let us tell you that under this mission, the Government of India is giving a grant of Rs 29,000 per hectare to the farmers. Government of India to the farmers of Andaman-Nicobar Islands Assistance amounting to Rs. 1 crore is being given on 15 hectares. The same is giving assistance of 40 to 50 lakhs to the farmers of North-Eastern states and other states for palm cultivation.
Climate for Oil Palm Cultivation
Palm cultivation is a Humid Tropical crop. A temperature of 20 degrees to 35 degrees is appropriate for its cultivation. Sunlight is very important for palm plants. At least 6 to 7 hours of sunlight daily and 70 to 80 % humidity are necessary for its cultivation. Also, it is appropriate to cultivate it in such a place where there is at least 150 mm of rain in a month.
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Soil for Oil Palm Cultivation
Many types of soil are used for the cultivation of palm oil. But if we talk about the best soil for its cultivation, it is alluvial soil. A big palm tree requires 200 to 250 liters of water. You can use lightly salted water.
Improved Varieties of Palm Oil
- Tenera: This type of palm tree is found in abundance in India. Its shell is thin. Not only in India but this type of oil palm tree is cultivated the most in the whole world.
- Dura: This is the thickest-shelled palm tree that is not cultivated commercially. Its shell can be 3 to 9 mm thick.
- Pisifera: This type of palm tree is cultivated in many parts of the world. Let me tell you that this is such a variety of oil palm trees whose fruits are shellless.
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How to Cultivate Palm
Palm farming is done from the seeds found in the palm fruit. First of all, palm seeds are heated at a 40-degree temperature for 2 months. After that, it is cooled with the help of water. Germination starts in the seed after 8 to 10 days. After that, it is sown in the fields. If you want, you can also prepare its nursery first.
Land Preparation for Palm Cultivation
Before starting palm cultivation, the fields should be well plowed. After making the soil loose, do add organic matter in the fields and mix it well in the soil. The best time for the cultivation of palm oil is from June to December. About 140 palm trees can be planted in 1 hectare of land. The distance between palm trees should be at least 10 meters so that they can grow properly. When the palm tree is ready, it is cut with the help of a knife. Palm oil cultivation is ready within 3 to 5 years.
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Palm Tree Diseases
Many measures may have to be taken to avoid diseases in palm oil cultivation. Palm trees are mainly affected by diseases like Ganoderma butt rot, oil palm wilt, and rhinoceros beetle. In such a situation, you must diagnose these diseases by contacting the Agriculture Department.
Benefits of Oil Palm Cultivation
- Palm oil farming is considered the best farming because there are very less chances of getting diseases from it.
- Compared to the oil obtained from other crops, many times more oil is obtained from it.
- Because of its high demand in the market, its oil is sold very expensively.
- Farmers get high returns from palm oil cultivation.
- Up to 45 kg of oil can be extracted from a palm tree every year. Pure palm oil is sold for up to Rs.160 per 1 kg.
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