
How to Start Saya and Saree Business : -Hello, To run any business we need some money. If you do a big business then you need more money. But today we will tell you about some such small business which will make you rich. Also, you will not even need to invest much money in these businesses. In this article i am going to tell you how will you start Saya Business, Food Cart Business and Saree Business. Before starting any business, it is very important for you to have the right information about that business, as well as how will you promote your business? If you also want to learn the tricks of business, then you will get every information on this blog like “how will you start the business” and “how will you promote?” .

In today’s article, we are going to tell you about some such business for which you do not even need any special training.

How to Start Saree Selling Business

How to Start Saree Selling Business

Start Saree Selling Business :- Today’s era is of fashion! But saree is still among the top apparels in India! Indian women love to wear saree. Saree business can make you rich. You should look for better place to set up your shop where crowds of people often gather like in the market around you. You may have to spend from 3 lakh to 4 lakh in the beginning! Because if you belong to a good city, then you may have to pay a hefty amount for the shop itself. Pagadi amount depends on market condition and city. Let us now tell you what you may have to do for a saree shop!

Learn Step By Step :- Start Saree Selling Business

  1. First of all, choose the right place for the shop in the market near you! If the shop is near a chowk then it will be better.
  1. After buying a shop, you can either contact the local saree wholesaler for cheap sarees or you can buy sarees online too! Surat sarees are very much liked by the ladies. But you can’t afford to order sarees from Surat for a small shop! , But if you order goods from the place where sarees are made, then you will be in a lot of profit.
  2. If your shop is new, then get the pamplate printed and paste it through news paper or at the square intersection of the road, so that customers will get information about your shop! Also, if you want to attract your customers, then you can get it announced through an auto vehicle! It won’t even cost you much!
  3. In order to run the shop properly and to attract more and more customers, you have to give discounts or any kind of offers to the customers like one saree free or blouse free on one buying first saree. Then the number of your customers will start increasing. But for the growth of the shop, you have to pay attention to online advertising as well! You can advertise your saree shop by targeting your specific location through google ads!

So in this way you can start saree business with low expenses.

How to Start Saya Business at Home

How to Start Saya Business

Saya Business :- This business is also trending nowadays, for this you do not have to spend much money and no shop is needed! All you have to do is stitch the Saya and sell it at the shops! In fact, readymade petticoats are a bit expensive, that’s why middle class family not wants to pay more than Rs 100 per Saya .

Start Saya Business Step By Step

  1. You have to do some hard work to start Saya business. In this business, you may have to spend from 50000 to 100000 in the beginning (It depends how many shopkeepers are in your touch).
    If you have a good identity in the market, then start this business with 1 lakh. Contact a wholesaler and buy Saya clothes in bulk. You will need a tailor to start this business. If there is a lady or a person in your house who knows the work of tailor, then it will be even better, otherwise you can talk to a tailor who can work for you! It will cost you 8 to 10 rupees for stitching one Saya.
  1. After that, to make a good identity in the market, start the business of Saya at low investment in the beginning. You can go to shop and sell those Saya. All the shopkeepers buy Saya from the wholesaler for about Rs.80 per piece and sell it for Rs.100 only! They get a profit of only Rs.20 on selling it! In such a situation, even if you sell it to the shopkeeper at Rs.70 per Saya, you will save a lot! When you make a good identity in the market, the shopkeepers themselves will call and order! I have collected this information from many people who are already doing this Saya business , I hope that you will understand it very well!

How to Start Food Cart Business

How to Start Food Cart Business

Food Truck :- Nowadays moving hotels are also very much in trend! If you are also fond of eating and feeding, then this business can make you rich overnight and with the least investment! So let me tell you how will you start this business and how much it can cost! As you know that in today’s time people do not even have time to cook, they want to get some ready-made food in the morning breakfast so that their time is not wasted! Not only this, even when people go for a trip, they do not forget fast food at all, in such a way its demand is increasing day by day! So how will you start this business, let me explain to you step by step!

Step By Step Learn How will you start Food Cart Business

  1. Food truck means a moving hotel, where the demand for fast food is very high it’s best opportunity for you to start this business.
  2. You don’t need to buy a truck for a food truck business. You can also start this business with e-rikshaw or pickup van, it will cost you at least 30 to 40 thousand to make a food truck, which includes the stove set-up also. When you go for food truck , you have to keep some things in mind like how many stoves you have to install in that van, how much you have to increase the size of the food truck from all sides . These all things must have to clear with your your mechanic so that they can design your food cart accordingly.
  3. When your food cart is ready then you have to prepare the menu! Keep in mind that include only those items in the menu that you can serve to your customers. Most of the food trucks prefer fast food only but it would be better if you keep food items as well!
  4. To install the food truck, choose such a place where people often come and go, like a company, mall, hospital, chowk square etc.

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